We are sooooo lucky ... the weather system that was suppose to melt all mountains in BC never hit us (or at least is delayed)!! So today we skinned up to Whitequeen again (which is probably the only safe option for now) but by a different way up. We started at the Hummingbird parking lot... the hike is longer and we start lower, but people at Whitewater resort prefer that! The hike went easy and we discovered a lot of new terrain along the way...

At the top we decided to ski a new route. Good powder on the slope, great view along the way... but the snow was transforming into layers which is not good for avalanche (the top 20cm was easy to release).

We had plan another hike up after the first run cause it was only 700m... but going back to the skin track we found a kicker and we had fun on it! :-)

After this short day we warmed up one last time (for now) in Whitewater resort and drove down to Nelson to buy some gear and food for our next destination for the next 4-5 days! Whitewater/Nelson area is an amazing place... one of these small paradise where the snow is falling everyday, people are friendly and life is simple!

At the top we decided to ski a new route. Good powder on the slope, great view along the way... but the snow was transforming into layers which is not good for avalanche (the top 20cm was easy to release).

We had plan another hike up after the first run cause it was only 700m... but going back to the skin track we found a kicker and we had fun on it! :-)

After this short day we warmed up one last time (for now) in Whitewater resort and drove down to Nelson to buy some gear and food for our next destination for the next 4-5 days! Whitewater/Nelson area is an amazing place... one of these small paradise where the snow is falling everyday, people are friendly and life is simple!
Sweet pictures, specially the jumpingpics... You guys ROCK, at the same time I envy you! Here in Finland were having plenty of water from the sky, instead of snow...
Trop chouette vos photos les gars! J'aurais bien aimé être avec vous! Profitez-en car au Québec il ne neige pas du tout!
The pictures are excellent. I'd like to find out what you are shooting with? Are you using filters etc?
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