Sunday, November 25, 2007

This year ski trip will feature...

Ok... so here we are. Snow is falling all around North America, ski movies are released, new skis hit the store, my quads are anxious to get sore from the telemark turn, the school is almost over... everything converge for this year ski trip! The goal is simple: ski as much powder as we can, spend as little money as we can and have a good time!

So here is the deal (which will probably change!): Evans and I will be leaving for British Columbia on January 1st. We should start by skiing in the backcountry around Whistler for a few weeks. Then, once the snow in inner BC become more stable we will go back there to ski in the Kootenay region, Roger Pass and the Columbia mountains. Depending on the conditions after that we should head up in northern BC, and see what backcountry skiing there looks like!

Stay tuned, it will be an amazing winter!

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